Fediverse Chat: I messaged President Biden & Vice President Harris Phone Numbers…

…to see if they would consider adding more governmental accounts to the Fediverse.

Since the public campaign phone numbers of President Biden & Vice President Harris are displayed publicly on Threads, I messaged both & asked if they would activate ActivityPub on more government Threads accounts, & government websites powered by WordPress.

Me asking Joe Biden to activate ActivityPub on more government accounts on Threads & WordPress
Me asking Kamala Harris if she will activate ActivityPub on her Threads account

Currently, only two governmental accounts have activated ActivityPub & both are on Threads:

There are numerous United States 🇺🇸 government accounts using Threads (as well as leaders of the various agencies with personal accounts), & to my knowledge, only two have entered the Fediverse—which is disappointing.

Interestingly, there are also government websites that use WordPress (which also powers this blog), which means all they have to do is install the ActivityPub plugin by @pfefferle (who now works for Automattic, the company behind WordPress) for government sites to enter the Fediverse.

A few good men examples of what a WordPress blog’s handle looks like in the Fediverse are:

If government websites powered by WordPress were to install & activate the ActivityPub plugin, it would allow them to broadcast information to the Fediverse without relying on the good graces of a corporate social giant.

Several high-profile government WordPress websites who I want to see on the Fediverse include:

Even if campaign staffers will read my messages, there is a 99% chance that they will ignore & reject what I sent.

But there is a 1% chance they will consider my request. To quote someone famous:

Jim Carrey’s famous line from the movie Dumb & Dumber


A carbon vessel interested in all things celestial. A human being with spiritual meaning. A political soul seeking libertarian goals.

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