
Wow! @RealSkipBayless trash talking @Eagles! Says @TomBrady could pick 3 Eagles fans & beat the Eagles!

So this is Bernie Sanders plan for America

Yeah, it’s on Fox News, but so far this guy has more charisma than most Democrats running.

Watching first one right now, & will catch the second one later on.

So far Bernie Sanders endorses a 52% income tax on the wealthy.

As a libertarian, this should be (almost) fun.

So @instagram, @whatsapp and @facebook are down allegedly down right now, but I can access all of them (although I do not use Facebook I have not issues accessing the site).


https://www.youtube.com/embed/4WkT-f5f5ME?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=https://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque","poster":[{"url":"https://66.media.tumblr.com/ff1708773c0106fcc52c40f81329c302/tumblr_ppuofjTPND1qzpk87_540.jpg","type":"image/jpeg","width":480,"height":360}],"metadata":{"id":"4WkT-f5f5ME"},"attribution":{"type":"app","url":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WkT-f5f5ME","app_name":"youtube","display_text":"African Ancestry – Facebook LIVE – Let’s Talk About DNA…Again: 4/11/19"}}”>


Very enlightening @AfricanAncestry video between Dr. @rick_kittles & Dr. Gina Paige! The fact they took the time blind testing & filling any missing gaps before launching is in direct contrast to other DNA testing companies today.

Fusion power & Solar Sails are the best options for interstellar travel. I wonder if we could combine both?